Oh no! It’s Covid!

They say you pack your fears…

I wake up on Sunday morning, which happened to be my birthday.  It should have been a wonderful day of celebration and dinner with my parents.

I had felt rough all night going hot and cold, so I knew something was wrong, I dig out a test and those two little red lines appear.

Just my luck.

They say you pack your fears, but my biggest fear is getting sick on the AT.

I’ll be in a strange country, with no support network and no NHS!  If it’s half serious then I’m basically trying to get a flight home.  And flying when sick can’t be a joyful experience!

Let’s face it, if I’m off my feet for any thing over two weeks, my thru hike is over, it’s no so easy for me to jump back on trail next year, having put my whole life on hold, and I can’t see my boss agreeing to another 6 month career break.

I’m actually quite lucky, this is only my second round of Covid infection, which considering I work in a confined space with 1000 men, I think is quite good going.  I’m also trying to take the positive that at least my natural immunity will be being topped up not long before I go!

This week I was going to post about all those adverts I keep on seeing for really cool little bits and bobs that I simply must take on my hike, like waterproof socks (after all my base weight is already massive, what’s a few more oz?!).

It’s been a bit of a reality check!  When I’m better I really need to check out some good travel insurance.

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Comments 2

  • thetentman : Dec 18th


    Good luck and a speedy recovery.


  • High Water : Dec 18th

    Sorry, dude. Bad ju-ju. On the upside, the rabbit lived.

    A dead rabbit 🐇 can really cramp your style.

    High Water


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